但不得不說說,這個語法簡化到令人不易理解的程度。這個先用了類似TList的IEnumerable結構,又使用的C# 專用的=>Lambda運算子,不太容易理解為何這麼寫,就可以達到
// Get the folder where the notes are stored. string appDataPath = FileSystem.AppDataDirectory; // Use Linq extensions to load the *.notes.txt files. IEnumerable<note> notes = Directory // Select the file names from the directory .EnumerateFiles(appDataPath, "*.notes.txt") // Each file name is used to create a new Note .Select(filename => new Note() { Filename = filename, Text = File.ReadAllText(filename), Date = File.GetLastWriteTime(filename) }) // With the final collection of notes, order them by date .OrderBy(note => note.Date); // Add each note into the ObservableCollection foreach (Note note in notes) Notes.Add(note);